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ankle stability exercise with a langley physiotherapist

Ankle Stability and Strengthening: Crucial for Runners, Hockey Players, and Athletes

As a runner, hockey player, or athlete, you’re well aware of the demands placed on your body during training and competition. While focusing on cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and strength, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of ankle stability and strengthening. In this article, we will explore why ankle stability is essential for runners and athletes, the science behind its impact on the knees and back, and how working with a physiotherapy can help. So, lace up your shoes and let’s dive in!

Why Ankle Stability Matters

When you run or engage in athletic activities, your ankles and feet bear a significant amount of stress and strain. Insufficient ankle stability can increase the risk of ankle sprains and other injuries, hindering your performance and overall well-being. Strong ankles, on the other hand, provide a solid foundation for optimal movement, reducing the load on your knees and back.

The Runner

ankle stability

Having strong feet and ankles can significantly reduce the force exerted on your knees and back during a running stride. Here’s how:

Improved Shock Absorption: Strong feet and ankles act as natural shock absorbers, effectively dissipating the impact forces generated with each footstrike. When your feet and ankles are weak or lack stability, these impact forces can transfer upward, placing greater stress on your knees and back. Strong muscles and tendons in the feet and ankles help absorb and distribute these forces more efficiently, reducing the strain on higher joints.

Enhanced Lower Limb Alignment: Proper alignment is crucial for optimal running biomechanics. Weak or unstable ankles can result in excessive pronation (inward rolling) or supination (outward rolling) of the foot, leading to misalignment of the lower limbs. This misalignment can cause the knees and hips to compensate, resulting in inefficient movement patterns and increased stress on these joints. Strengthening the muscles around the feet and ankles helps maintain proper alignment, reducing the strain on the knees and back.

Increased Stability and Balance: Strong feet and ankles provide a solid foundation for balance and stability. When running, your body relies on a stable base to generate force efficiently and maintain proper form. Weak ankles can compromise stability, leading to compensatory movements and increased stress on the knees and back. Strengthening the muscles in your feet and ankles improves joint stability, allowing for more controlled and balanced movements during a running stride.

Enhanced Proprioception: Proprioception, the body’s ability to sense position, movement, and force, plays a vital role in running. Strong feet and ankles contribute to better proprioceptive feedback, allowing your body to make rapid adjustments and maintain optimal joint alignment. This improved proprioception helps prevent overloading of the knees and back by promoting more efficient movement patterns and reducing the risk of sudden, uncontrolled movements.

Improved Stability on Uneven Surfaces: Runners often encounter various surfaces, including trails, grass, and uneven pavement. Strong ankle stability aids in adapting to these surfaces and maintaining stability. It allows for better control and responsiveness, reducing the risk of ankle twists or sprains. With improved stability, you can confidently tackle challenging terrains and focus on your running performance.

By focusing on strengthening the muscles in your feet and ankles through targeted exercises, you can improve your overall running mechanics, reduce the strain on your knees and back, and enhance your running performance. Working with a physiotherapist or sports-specific trainer can provide you with expert guidance, exercise programs, and proper form cues to ensure you effectively strengthen your feet and ankles while minimizing the risk of injury.

The Hockey Player

ankle physiotherapy langley 1

Having strong ankle stability is crucial for hockey players as it directly impacts their efficiency and performance on the ice. Here’s how strong ankle stability improves efficiency while skating:

Enhanced Balance and Control: Skating requires maintaining a low center of gravity while gliding and maneuvering on the ice. Strong ankle stability allows you to maintain better balance and control over your body positioning, making it easier to execute turns, pivots, and quick changes in direction. With improved balance, you can distribute your weight evenly, optimizing your stride efficiency and conserving energy.

Increased Edge Control: Skates have sharp edges that provide grip on the ice, allowing you to push off and glide smoothly. Strong ankle stability enables you to maximize the utilization of those edges. By developing the necessary ankle strength, you can engage the proper muscles to apply the right amount of pressure on the skate edges, thereby optimizing your control and reducing friction with the ice. This enhanced edge control allows for more efficient and powerful strides, resulting in increased speed and agility.

Improved Stability on Turns and Crossovers: Hockey players frequently execute tight turns, crossovers, and lateral movements during gameplay. Strong ankle stability provides the foundation for executing these maneuvers effectively. It allows you to maintain a stable and controlled base of support, ensuring that your skates stay in the desired alignment. This stability minimizes unnecessary movements, prevents loss of speed, and optimizes power transfer during turns and crossovers.

Enhanced Agility and Quick Transitions: Hockey requires quick transitions between forward and backward movements, as well as rapid changes in direction. Strong ankle stability enables you to execute these transitions smoothly and efficiently. By maintaining stable ankles, you can generate power and force in the desired direction, allowing for faster and more precise movements on the ice. This agility translates to an advantage over opponents and improved overall performance.

Reduced Fatigue and Injury Risk: Weak ankles can result in excessive wobbling or rolling motions while skating, leading to inefficiency and increased energy expenditure. Additionally, weak ankles are more prone to injuries, such as ankle sprains. Strengthening ankle stability through specific exercises and training helps reduce fatigue by providing better support and control. It also reduces the risk of ankle injuries, allowing you to skate with confidence and focus on your performance.

By focusing on exercises that target ankle stability, such as balance drills, lateral movements, and plyometrics, hockey players can improve their overall skating efficiency. Working with a physiotherapist or sports-specific trainer can help develop a personalized training program to strengthen ankle stability, enhance control, and optimize performance on the ice.

Effective Exercises for Running

  • Calf Raises: Stand on the edge of a step or a stable platform, lifting your heels and balancing on your toes. This exercise targets the calf muscles, which play a vital role in ankle stability.
  • Ankle Circles: Sit with your legs extended, and gently rotate your ankles in clockwise and counterclockwise circles. This exercise improves ankle mobility and stability.
  • Single-Leg Balance Exercises: Stand on one leg, maintaining your balance for a set duration. Progress by incorporating dynamic movements or unstable surfaces, such as a wobble board or foam pad.
  • Resistance Band Exercises: Utilize resistance bands to perform exercises targeting the ankle evertors and inverters. These movements strengthen the muscles responsible for stabilizing your ankle joint.
  • Plyometric Exercises: Incorporate plyometric exercises, such as jumping and hopping drills, to enhance ankle power and proprioception for explosive movements.


Exercises for ankle Stability and Strength

If you’re looking for a physiotherapist in the Langley, BC to help your ankle stability, mobility, strength, or recover from injury, look no further. Book Langley Physio Today!

Langley Physiotherapy

About Revamp Wellness

Revamp is for everyone, whether you’re in your golden years or gunning for gold medals. It’s a place for you to recover, heal, and feel like you’re in the best shape of your life.

Jacalyn - Langley RMT
  • Massage Therapy
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Jacalyn Lynch

Co-Founder & Registered Massage Therapist

Before studying massage therapy, she was a competitive gymnast for over ten years and continued with the sport as a coach. She also competed and coached in track and field (pole vault, hurdles, sprints).

Because of her experience in sports, Jacalyn believes stretching, strengthening, and self-care go hand in hand with an effective massage treatment. She is impassioned with how the body works as a whole and makes sure to incorporate all appropriate aspects to ensure the patient’s goals are met.

Fun Fact! Do you know the difference between tendons and ligaments? Ligaments connect bones to other bones, tendons attach muscle to bones, and muscles to other parts of your body such as your eyeballs.

  • Northern Michigan University

Jake Baker


Jakes passion for health care stemmed from his career in hockey and his life long interest in sports. After playing years of competitive and professional hockey Jake was able to see the importance and value of body maintenance and enhancement.

After seeing and dealing with many injuries over the years he was able to experience many different types of treatment. What fascinated Jake the most was how much therapy has evolved over the years. His vision for Revamp Wellness is to always be at the fore front of the leading therapies for patients.

Langley RMT Marissa
  • Student Massage
  • VCMT

Marissa Stromnes

Student Massage

Marissa is a student at Vancouver College of Massage Therapy and will be graduating in just a few short weeks.

Prior to entering the world of massage therapy Marissa managed a team of 40 in the corporate world so understands that time for self care can be challenging to navigate. Marissa is passionate about providing individually tailored treatments that help alleviate pain and improve functionality. She strives to ensure every client leaves her table feeling more relaxed and revitalized, with a home care plan suited to your needs.


female physiotherapist langley
  • Physiotherapy
  • University of Brighton

Inder Sanghera


Inder Sanghera holds a Bachelor of Health Science from Simon Fraser University and a Master of Science in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton. Her practice spans workplace injuries, motor vehicle accidents, post-operative rehabilitation, athletic injuries, and neurological impairments.

Dedicated to exceptional care, Inder builds personalized treatment plans for each patient. She uses evidence-based practice, integrating manual therapy techniques and active rehabilitation strategies to improve performance and mobility and alleviate pain. Advocating for collaborative care, she works closely with patients to understand their goals and customize treatments accordingly. Patient education is fundamental to her approach, empowering individuals to take an active role in their rehabilitation journey.

With first-hand experience in rehabilitation, Inder empathizes with her patients and guides them effectively through recovery. Fluent in English and Punjabi, she is committed to serving a diverse patient population with compassion and understanding.

Outside of work, Inder enjoys an active lifestyle, exploring the outdoors, travelling, and spending quality time with her family, particularly when cheering on the Vancouver Canucks.

Fun Fact! Some muscles you control, like your bicep when you’re lifting something heavy. Other muscles, such as those that help you breathe, move without you thinking at all.

  • Massage Therapy
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Tawnya Smith

Registered Massage Therapist

Tawnya graduated in 2014 from the 3000 hour program at WCCMT in Victoria. During her education, she volunteered for Team Canada Rugby, Team Canada Swimming, Team Canada Rowing, Olympic Figure Skaters, as well as world level triathletes. Tawnya’s experience as a high-level athlete competing in gymnastics for ten years, and now competing in Crossfit, have made her keen to continually learn and understand the human body. She uses her education and experience to help athletes and clients perform to the best of their ability.

As an RMT, she focuses on modalities such as Swedish Massage, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Active Release Therapy, Deep Tissue, and Joint Mobilization.

Fun Fact! As you age, you start to lose muscle mass. But if you exercise your muscles with strength training and resistance exercises, you can slow down that process and maintain a mighty muscular system for a long time.

Langley Massage Therapist - Melanie
  • Massage Therapy
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Melanie Snow

Registered Massage Therapist

Melanie attended the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy and graduated from a 3000 hour program in 2014. Her interest in the body and health began while studying Anatomy & Physiology at the University of the Fraser Valley in 2010. At UFV, she has completed three years of coursework and is currently working towards her Kinesiology degree. In addition to her 5 years of massage experience, she has focused her continuing education in Soft Tissue Release, Manual Lymph Drainage, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization and Functional Release. She was certified as a yoga teacher with the yoga alliance in 2017, and enjoys offering a holistic approach by incorporating therapeutic yoga, stretches and breathing exercises into her treatment plan. In 2018, Melanie became apart of the faculty at WCCMT and taught massage to students providing therapy at a men’s drug and addiction center. Melanie is passionate about helping athletes reach their peak performance, whether in preparation, maintenance, or recovery of their sport. In her practice, she has experience with professional athletes and has worked for sports events such as Iron Man Canada, HSBC Rugby Sevens, and was a core member with the BC Lions massage therapy team for 3 seasons. In her leisure time Melanie keeps an active lifestyle including yoga, hiking, strengthening and in 2018 ran her first full distance marathon and is always in pursuit of a new athletic goal.

Fun Fact! Muscle movement counts for almost 85 percent of the total heat produced inside the body. When you’re cold, your muscles contract involuntarily. When you shiver, those are muscles trying to warm your body.

RMT Langley - Karolina
  • Massage Therapy
  • CDI College

Karolina Szulc

Registered Massage Therapist

Karolina is a graduate from the Registered Massage Therapy Program at CDI College in October 2022. She has immigrated to Canada from Poland at age 14 and has flourished in her education. She is excited to work together towards getting you to be able to do what you love to do; whether that would be hiking, playing sports, partaking in winter or summer activities or simply being able to enjoy your everyday life pain-free. She focuses on mind and body integration and your overall well-being to help alleviate stress, fatigue and chronic pain.

Karolina believes that massage therapy can aid in managing present and past injuries, reduce dysfunction and improve mobility. She thrives on treating low back pain and knee dysfunctions. Some modalities that she utilizes in her treatments are Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Muscle Energy Techniques, Active Release Techniques and Passive Stretching. She trusts that tying it all together through diaphragmatic breathing, patient relaxation and education can assist in reaching the goals that have been set: achieving the optimal level of function physically and emotionally.

When not in clinic or furthering her knowledge in massage therapy, you can find Karolina enjoying the great outdoors with family and friends, hiking, sitting by a campfire, walking her two huskies, relaxing at the beach or snowboarding in the mountains. Her passion for travelling the world has given her diverse experiences of other cultures and their culinary specialties.

Karolina is always happy to welcome new patients.

Fun Fact! Muscles usually work in pairs When one shortens, its corresponding muscle lengthens. Think about doing bicep curls. When you curl your arm up so the bicep is shorter, the tricep on the other side of your arm is straightened out.

Male RMT Langley - Kurt
  • Massage Therapy
  • Vancouver College of Massage Therapy

Kurt Baker

Registered Massage Therapist

Kurt graduated from the Massage Therapy program at the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy (VCMT). He spent the last 9 years as a personal trainer and CrossFit Coach. His profound interest in the human body and movement began at a young age when he discovered how to change his body with weight training for football, hockey and lacrosse.

During that time, he worked with a wide range of clientele ranging from elite national level athletes of multiple sports, to weight loss, to those with the goal of aspiring to get fit.

Kurt’s goal is to share his passion for wellness with his patients by not only treating, but by educating them on how their body works, how it should move, how to prevent further injuries and ultimately, how to improve performance.

When Kurt is not at the clinic, you can find him training at the local CrossFit gym, playing football or snowboarding one of the local mountains.

Learn more about Kurt (video)

Fun Fact! The muscles in your eyes are constantly adjusting as you read, watch TV, or look around you. In an hour of reading, your eyes may make as many as 10,000 coordinated movements.

Langley Chiropractor
  • Chiropractic
  • Palmer West Chiropractic College
  • Simon Fraser University

Dr. Kamran Eghtesad


Dr. Kamran Eghtesad grew up in Vancouver, BC. Growing up in Vancouver he enjoyed learning about health and wellness. This led him to Simon Fraser University where he studied Kinesiology. From there he began to explore his options in health. He worked with local high school football teams addressing acute injuries. Also, worked on the manufacturing side of creating and designing custom foot orthotics. Conducted ergonomic assessments at PepsiCo to reduce workplace injuries. All these different jobs had one thing in common, they allowed people to do what they love without injury or pain.

This led Dr. Eghtesad to attend Palmer West Chiropractic College in San Jose, California, where he graduated with Cum Laude with a Doctorate in Chiropractic. While in San Jose he spent his free time teaching anatomy and conducting cadaveric dissections to further understand the human body. He also worked with Stanford University Neuroscience and Pain Lab to publish research to explore artificial intelligence for neck MRI’s.

Chiropractic with Dr. Kamran (Video)

Orthotics with Dr. Kamran (Video)

Fun Fact! The spine has an exceptional memory. Your spine will remember and become used to your posture. This is why it can be hard to get out of the habit of having bad posture. But once you do make a habit of good posture, your spine will remember it.

Langley Massage - Kiarrah
  • Student Massage
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Kiarrah Pinkney

Student Massage

Kiarrah is currently enrolled at West Coast College of Massage Therapy. She began her massage journey at a young age due to a motor vehicle accident; an accident which led to injuries that only massage therapy could provide relief from. She played competitive soccer through her youth and into her university career, until she concluded that being an RMT was her ultimate career goal and came home to the lower mainland.

In her free time, Kiarrah enjoys being active in any way possible, through the gym, hiking, playing sports and other various activities.

Kiarrah enjoys working with young athletes and hopes to one day work professionally with a team. She also enjoys work with scar tissue and different fascial treatments, and cannot wait to expand her knowledge of sports-rehab and the post-injury world.

Fun Fact! The spine is very strong It can hold hundreds of kilograms of weight.

Chiro Near Me - Daniel
  • Chiropractic
  • Palmer College of Chiropractic West
  • University of Fraser Valley

Dr. Daniel Dhesa


Dr. Daniel (Danny) Dhesa earned his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2022. Prior to moving to California, he earned his Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of the Fraser Valley.

Danny treats a wide variety of acute & chronic musculoskeletal conditions, specializing in neck pain, back pain, hip pain, headaches/migraines, shoulder/elbow/knee/ankle injuries & sports related injuries. It is his goal to get patients back to doing what they love by utilizing an integrated & rehab-based approach to treatment which includes:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments (Spine & Extremities)
  • Strength & Mobility Exercises
  • Instrument Assisted Adjustments (Drop Table Technique
  • Manual Soft Tissue Therapy (Myofascial Release/Active Release Technique & PNF)
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapies (Laser Therapy, Shockwave Therapy, Cupping Therapy & Graston)
  • Spinal Decompression/Traction/Flexion-Distraction
  • Taping (KT/Physio/Dynamic Tape & Athletic Tape


Chiropractic with Dr. Dhesa (Video)

Prior to pursuing a career in chiropractic, Dr. Danny worked as a certified personal trainer for 5 years, creating individualized workout programs and leading group training sessions. Danny has volunteered with Special Olympics BC, Paralympics Canada, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Fraser Valley.

Outside of the clinics, Danny enjoys being active by playing sports, hiking, kayaking, weightlifting, and more recently, golf and running. If he is indoors, he enjoys reading, watching documentaries, and producing music.

Dr. Danny is fluent in English & Punjabi.

Fun Fact! Pound for pound, your bones are stronger than steel. A block of bone the size of a matchbox can support up to 18,000 pounds of weight.

  • Physiotherapy
  • University of Sydney

Mike Hosseini


Mike’s approach to physiotherapy is to not only decrease your pain, but to identify the real reason behind your injury. Properly understanding why the injury occurred in the first place will lower its chances of happening again. To accomplish this, Mike treats with manual therapy, education, exercise and improving movement patterns. Mike has certification in IMS/Dry needling and acupuncture.

Mike decided to become a physiotherapist after tearing his ACL while playing soccer at the age of 21. Working closely with his physiotherapist, he was sold on Physio as a career path. To pursue his goal, he made the big decision to move to Sydney, Australia and completed a Master of Physiotherapy degree. He then stayed in Australia to gain valuable clinical experience but is now back home, providing his Australian perspective to clients.

Physiotherapy with Mike (Video)

Fun Fact! Adults will end up with only 206 bones, but babies are born with about 100 nore It’s not that bones disappear as we grow older. Instead, these tiny bones fuse together to form the larger bones of the skeletal system.

Langley Physio
  • Physiotherapy
  • University of Sydney

Dean Corpuz


Dean grew up in Port Coquitlam where he fell in love with the outdoors, mountain biking in summer and snowboarding in winter amongst other activities. He had a number of injuries while he was young which he was in and out of physio with which sparked his interest. This led him to complete his Bachelors of Kinesiology at Simon Fraser University with a concentration in Active Health and Rehabilitation. He then went on to work as a Kinesiologist, where he helped clients who had been in work and motor vehicle accidents. After a couple of years of working in rehab, he knew that he could help clients more if he became a physiotherapist. So, he moved to Australia where he completed his Masters of Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney. From there, he moved north to the Gold Coast where he planned to stay one year but ended up staying for six. The lure of the sunshine and surf made it hard to leave, but eventually he moved back to the Lower Mainland with his wife to be closer to family and friends as they started a family.

While working in Australia, he progressed his skills by working in a one-on-one setting. He uses movement and postural analysis to help figure out the root cause of patients concerns. This helps him create an individualized exercise/rehab program to address these issues and help prevent future issues from occurring. He is great at communicating, educating and helping clients understand their issue and what they can do to help their cause. He also utilizes manual therapy including specific techniques for headaches and migraines that he learned in Australia where he helped start up the Gold Coast Headache Clinic. He is trained and qualified in IMS/Dry needling, which he first learned overseas when he first graduated.

Fun Fact! Bone marrow is a spongy substance that’s found inside large bones like your hips, pelvis, and femur. Bone marrow houses stem cells. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of your body’s most important cells, including blood, brain, heart, and bone cells

Langley RMT
  • Massage Therapy
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Rebecca Baskovic

Registered Massage Therapist

Rebecca graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in April of 2023. Before becoming a Registered Massage Therapist, Rebecca achieved her Bachelors of Kinesiology in 2019 and worked as a Kinesiologist. Rebecca grew up playing many different sports and learned about massage and physical therapy when she sustained her own injury while playing volleyball. She learned that there are many components to any injury and it is best to assess the body as a whole to provide the best treatment.

Rebecca has had the privilege of working with a variety of people such as athletes, office workers, pre and post-natal women, people with neurological conditions, geriatric and ICBC clients. She utilizes a variety of techniques such as general Swedish massage, trigger point therapy, PNF, pin and stretch, fascial techniques and joint mobilizations into her treatments. She strives to incorporate her knowledge of health and wellness into her RMT practice while providing patient-centered care in order to help her clients reach their goals and improve their quality of life.

Fun Fact! Bone marrow is a spongy substance that’s found inside large bones like your hips, pelvis, and femur. Bone marrow houses stem cells. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of your body’s most important cells, including blood, brain, heart, and bone cells

relaxation massage therapist langley - julie
  • Registered Massage Therapist
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Julie Klimko

Registered Massage Therapist

Julie graduated from the program for Registered Massage Therapists at West Coast College of Massage Therapy in April 2020. Julie styles her practice to encompass the body and mind as a whole while treating patients with the utmost care and consideration. Her experience has led her to work with many different clients; those who struggle with pain, migraines/headaches, muscle tension, pre/post-natal pain, scar tissue, anxiety/depression and much more. 

Her unique blend of fascial work combined with gentle but effective deep tissue techniques positively affects her clients who are experiencing pain, needing help with an injury or are using massage to maintain a state of wellness. Julie is committed to making sure you get the most out of your personalized treatment session.

Fun Fact! Bone marrow is a spongy substance that’s found inside large bones like your hips, pelvis, and femur. Bone marrow houses stem cells. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of your body’s most important cells, including blood, brain, heart, and bone cells

Leah - Langley RMT
  • West Coast College of Massage Therapy

Leah Fortin

Registered Massage Therapist

Leah graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 2023.

Leah grew up in Langley and has a background in competitive sports including collegiate softball and high school basketball. Her experience as an athlete and experiencing an injury herself led her to pursue a career in health care.

As a therapist Leah’s focus are the styles of general relaxation, deep tissue and pregnancy massage. Leah provides her clients with knowledge to take an active role in healing and overall well-being. Outside of work she enjoys playing sports, being outdoors and spending time with friends and family.

Fun Fact! Bone marrow is a spongy substance that’s found inside large bones like your hips, pelvis, and femur. Bone marrow houses stem cells. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of your body’s most important cells, including blood, brain, heart, and bone cells

Langley Naturopath
  • Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
  • University of Guelph

Dr. Jessica McGuire

Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. McGuire grew up on a farm in rural Ontario, which fostered a love for nature and biology. This led her to study conservation biology at the University of Guelph in Ontario. After graduation she was drawn to natural health, and took a job working for her local health food store where she learned about naturopathic medicine, supplements, and herbal treatments. Although she was helping people improve their health in a small way, she wanted to learn more to help more. She moved to BC to attend the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, where she discovered her love for hands-on physical treatments, acupuncture, and botanical medicine.

Dr. McGuire tackles health concerns using a whole-body approach. This involves asking you numerous questions about your current and past health history, in order to discover the root cause of your concern. She is deeply passionate about educating and empowering her patients so that they feel confident following their individualized treatment plan. It is Dr. McGuire’s goal that all patients are comfortable enough to ask their questions and fully trust that she has their best interest at heart.

Naturopathic Medicine with Dr. McGuire (Video)

Fun Fact! Bone marrow is a spongy substance that’s found inside large bones like your hips, pelvis, and femur. Bone marrow houses stem cells. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of your body’s most important cells, including blood, brain, heart, and bone cells

Acupuncture Langley - Niti
  • R.Ac

Regneet Mangat


Regneet is invested in helping her patients create a better quality of life. Her practice focuses on cosmetic acupuncture, women’s health and pain management. Using traditional Chinese techniques such as Cupping, Moxibustion, diet therapy and Acupuncture to create complete health plans and treatments.

A strong advocate for women’s health, Regneet is ready to help you be a better you inside, out. From treating PCOS, endometriosis, chronic illness, fertility support to cosmetic acupuncture and wellness management let Regneet help you put your best foot forward.

Regneet completed her Diploma in Acupuncture and four-year Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine program at the Alberta College of Acupuncture in 2015.

Acupuncture with Regneet (Video)

Fun Fact! Bone marrow is a spongy substance that’s found inside large bones like your hips, pelvis, and femur. Bone marrow houses stem cells. Stem cells are responsible for producing many of your body’s most important cells, including blood, brain, heart, and bone cells